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Office Space Design

In HEHD 8090 - Management of Staff and Volunteers, we were asked to design our perfect office space and explain how this space reflected ourselves and our management style. I chose an open layout, similar to the office I currently work in. I feel the openness allows for an open door policy and encourages staff to speak to eachother instead of email or text. In my office now, we tend to yell through the open center, and it actually helps us know what is happening in the other departments as well. I also included a white board, which I currently have in my office because I like to write down my to-do lists. I am a visual person and not only does it help me to organize my thoughts, but it helps others see what I am working on. I appreciated the opportunity to reflect on our personalities through a visual process. It was interesting to see and understand how office design can not only reflect personalities, but leadership styles as well. 

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